The facilities of the department include ten laboratories and a library. The laboratories of the department are:
Radiation Detection Laboratory
The Radiation Detection Laboratory introduces the students to the various processes and techniques used to detect, identify, and measure different types of nuclear radiation. Equipment includes various types of radiation detectors like GM tubes, scintillation detectors, BF3 neutron detectors, high resolution high purity Ge detectors for gamma ray spectroscopy, surface barrier detectors and other types of detectors. A portable high purity germanium detector is also utilized for more precise gamma and X-ray measurements along with multichannel analyzers for spectral analysis. Students learn handling of these instruments and conduct experiments in radiation detection and measurements as required by the course NE 340. Several new equipment such as detectors and up-to-date multichannel analyzers are being ordered to update this laboratory.
Radiation Protection Laboratory
The radiation protection laboratory deals with all aspects of radiation protection and safety. This laboratory enables students to study and apply the principles of radiation protection, radiation shielding, decontamination and proper use and handling of radiation sources. The laboratory has different kinds of dose rate-meters, one neutron monitor and several TLD readers for dose readout using thermo-luminescence technique. There is also an air monitor setup, a modern “ionex” dose measurement system, and one hand and foot radiation contamination monitor in addition to other protective accessories like lead aprons and spectacles. The laboratory also has several radioactive reference point sources (alpha, beta, and gamma emitters) for students’ use in various experiments. These equipment helps the students through different experiments to acquire a thorough knowledge of various factors related to radiological health physics like radiation dose assessment, radiation safety measures, radiation shielding, decontamination, proper handling of radiation sources, and calibration of radiation measurement devices. The laboratory fully facilitates the requirements of NE 351 and NE 451courses.
Low Counting Laboratory
The laboratory provides experiments and equipment for measuring low concentration of radioactivity in soil, water, food samples, etc. The lab has three high purity germanium detectors for gamma and X-ray detection, one sodium iodide detector, three multichannel analyzers for spectral analysis, one "phoswich" detector for gross alpha and beta measurement and one liquid scintillation analyzer for precise counting of low level alpha and beta radiations, in addition to several different liquid standard radioactive sources. Students practicing measurements in this lab acquire practical knowledge of standard source preparation, and more sophisticated analysis techniques through modern PC-based Multichannel analyzers (PCMCA). Moreover, students learn how to measure different radionuclides present in our environment and their concentrations. The lab serves students of NE340 as well as research projects.
Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory I & II
Students using this facility learn Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques used for detection of minute cracks, flaws, corrosion and welding defects in materials using radiation. The lab has an industrial X-ray machine, human body phantoms, a computed radiography readerand several computed radiography detectors. X-ray and gamma-ray radiography, neutron radiography, eddy current and ultra sonic testing are the basic NDT techniques taught to students in the lab. The students learn the operation of the X-ray unit, radiography techniques, developing radiography films, and reading the exposed films. In addition, they learn the properties of scattered X-ray beams and evaluation of dose arising from exposure to x-rays. Students of NE461, NE462, and NE463 utilize the lab for various experiments.
Radioisotopes Application Laboratory
The main purpose of the Isotope Application Laboratory is to familiarize the students with the uses of radioisotopes in various fields. Experiments on activation analysis, neutron capture gamma-ray for mineral exploration, thickness and level gauges etc. are demonstrated. The laboratory contains a neutron source (Americium-Beryllium), two multichannel analyzers, two isotope calibrators and several low and high activity standard radioactive sources. Students learn the neutron activation analysis technique, neutron radioactive capture phenomenon, radiation attenuation, shielding design, and the use of calibrators. Students of NE360 utilize the lab for their entire course related and/or design project experiments.
Computation and Computer Laboratory
Students use modern simulation software to understand different aspects of nuclear reactors' dynamic behavior. Ten modern networked personal computers are utilized in the lab. Students use these computers to solve nuclear computational problems. The laboratory has a number of useful software packages like Matlab, MCNP, nuclear reactor neutronics computer codes, thermal hydraulics, and shielding computer codes. Students of NE402 and NE411 utilize this lab. The lab also serves as a general computer lab and its workstations are loaded with productivity software like MS Office and internet connectivity. Workstations are available to all students and faculty of the department. Students of the NE department utilize this lab for their assignments.
Radio-analysis Laboratory
Students use this laboratory to learn the quantification of trace elements to levels as low as parts per billion. The lab comprises an X-ray fluorescence analyzer (XRF) and an atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS) for this purpose. Undergraduate students practice such techniques through NE330 and NE360 courses.
Diagnostic Radiography Laboratory
This laboratory has an Am-241 source and two tissue equivalent body phantoms. The lab is equipped with a computed radiography detector and a CR readerfor imaging. Experiments on imaging, direct and scattered X-ray measurements and shielding are performed. Students in NE 351, 451, 450 and 455 use this lab.
Electronics and Maintenance Laboratory
This workshop covers the practical part of the
Nuclear Electronics course NE 341. Electronics experiments are performed in
this lab in addition to some electronics experiments oriented for the Nuclear
Engineering field. This laboratory has several oscilloscopes, power supplies,
multi-digital meters, breadboard, and many of the fundamentals linear and
nonlinear electronics components.
Calibration Laboratory
The laboratory contains standard 137Cs and 241Am sources for calibration of survey meters and personnel dosimeters
As far as the non-NE courses are concerned, the following laboratories in the Department of Civil and Thermal Engineering are also used:
A. Strength of Materials lab.
B. Fluid Mechanics lab.
C. Heat Transfer lab.
The Department of Nuclear Engineering has a dedicated library that serves the needs of faculty members and students. It contains textbooks, references and scientific journals. Textbooks are updated for new editions from time to time and new collections of reference books added periodically. Major scientific journals related to Nuclear Engineering as well as Radiological Sciences are made available in the library. In addition, large numbers of books are available in the central and faculty libraries.